Gibson SG Standard

Photo: P. de Villiers

Model: Gibson SG Standard (Les Paul '61 Reissue)
Color: Cherry
Year: 2009

Used in...

- 2009-2011

- used during the recording sessions of the album Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

- played live for I Am the Walrus in the last Oasis concerts (Summer 2009)


This SG Standard was bought by Noel in Japan during the last Oasis tour in March 2009:1

"Bought a guitar yesterday. A Gibson SG. It's a new one. A re-issue of the George [Harrison] model. Not the ACTUAL model, but near enough. Looks good. Plays good."2

George Harrison's SG was actually a 1964 model, but this '61 reissue looks almost identical.

It was used to record guitar parts for the album Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds, such as (I Wanna Live in a Dream in My) Record Machine:

"That's a new SG. I bought it in Japan. I used it on Record Machine, the part where we had to fill out the power chords - we were going for a Who thing, like in Won't Get Fooled Again. Someone said, 'Try an SG,' and I just happened to have one."

It was also played by Paul Stacey to record the guitar solo at the end of the song Stop the Clocks.3

Closer inspection (a big hint is the "Les Paul" writing on the truss rod cover) reveals that it is a SG Standard Les Paul '61 Reissue, made in 2009.

What about that name?

In 1961, what we now call SG was still called Les Paul in the Gibson catalog. The body style changed to the double horned SG in late 1960 but the Les Paul name stuck - and it didn't change to SG until the end of 1963.4 So, technically speaking, a SG '61 reissue should still be called a Les Paul...

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  1. ↩︎
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  3. It’s Never Too Late To Be What U Might Have Been – The Making of NGHFB ↩︎
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